AI Medical Service Signs Joint Research Agreement with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre

Thursday, August 24, 2023

AI Medical Service and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre (MSK) have established a collaborative research agreement.

This partnership aims to explore the utilisation of Japanese gastrointestinal endoscopy AI within the United States medical landscape. The joint research efforts will not only investigate the potential of integrating Japanese gastrointestinal endoscopy AI into clinical practises in the U.S., but also contribute to expediting the regulatory processes in the country.

This partnership between AIM and MSK seeks to address the healthcare challenge head-on, making a meaningful impact on patient care and survival rates. This aligns with the goal of both organisations to enhance global healthcare outcomes and ultimately save lives.

The significance of this collaboration is underscored by the need for improved early detection of gastric cancer. AIM's innovative image processing and analysis techniques exhibit considerable promise, and the collaboration with MSK offers the opportunity to refine and implement these techniques into actual clinical care. This integration into clinical practises has the potential to yield tangible improvements in patient outcomes.